The Cyberlounge For Artists
One of the most anticipated animated films of the 80's
TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE was a milestone event. This film highlighted something many youth of this era were not actually prepared for: The Death of the beloved leader of the AUTOBOTS:OPTIMUS PRIME.
The actual premise of the story was that a Giant Monster Planet UNICRON was devouring everything in its path to sustain its existence and was fully capable of destroying and consuming whole planets as seen immediately in the opening scene as it devours the Planet of Lithone and its inhabitants.
Meanwhile MEGATRON -Leader of THE DECEPTICONS in this movie was much different that what fans were accustomed to seeing in the regular series-meaning now he was intending to murder as many of the AUTOBOTS as possible as the DECEPTICONS invaded and boarded an AUTOBOT SHUTTLE right after the opening scene. Unfortunately, BRAWN, PROWL, and RATCHET were the first to die onscreen, followed by IRONHIDE who Megatron himself took great pleasure in aiming his Fusion Cannon point blank at Ironhide's head and letting fly with a powerful blast. Nobody was ready for this believe me. The Decepticons had successfully commandered the Autobot Shuttle and were on their way to Autobot Headquarters on Earth.
The story shifts back to Earth where New Autobots HOT ROD, KUP, ARCEE, BLURR, SPRINGER and ULTRA MAGNUS (who would become the Interim Leader after Prime's Death) would be introduced in the newly built
Autobot City (Who would be known as METROPLEX in Season 3). We'd also meet the new Human Ally Daniel, son of Spike.
The Autobots were completely unaware that The Decepticons were en route to destroy them on Earth undetected-and if not for the Brash but proactive actions of Hot Rod taking notice that The Decepticons had stolen the Autobot Shuttle and were about to invade Autobot City, it would have assuredly happened.
A horrific assault ensued prematurely on Autobot City, resulting in more Autobot Casualties.
WHEELJACK and WINDCHARGER also met their fate.
The Autobots defended the city valiantly but they were outnumbered and once The CONSTRUCTICONS formed
DEVASTATOR, Autobot City would fall as their final defenses were breached.
Optimus Prime who was not on Earth, was in Command of the 2 Autobot Moon Bases, received a distress call requesting reinforcements to Autobot City quickly arrived and dispatched the DINBOTS to deal with DEVASTATOR .
He himself would race to oppose Megatron in a face to face intense battle where he would sustain fatal injuries.
Hot Rod interfered in the fight causing Megatron to gain the advantage as he delivered the shots that would ultimately cause the fatal injuries to Optimus Prime.
Megatron after this fight, was in no condition to resume leadership of the Decepticons to which STARSCREAM immediately took advantage to take over.
Optimus Prime's arrival did turn the tide of the Battle causing the Decepticons to retreat from Earth, but both sides sustained heavy losses. Once back in Space inside of ASTROTRAIN, indicated that there was too much weight as he was carrying the remaining Decepticons to CYBERTRON-and that some of them would have to go. Starscream once again would assert himself the Leader but not without "A Survival of the Fittest" battle between the remaining Robots but not before he dumped the mortally injured Decepticons including Megatron who pleaded citing
"Wait....I still Function!" Starscream gleefully showed his disagreement as he released the him and the others into Space and to their Ultimate Fate...or so we thought.
Back on Earth the Autobots mourn the Loss of their Beloved Leader Optimus Prime and he passes on the MATRIX OF LEADERSHIP to his Autobot City Commander Ultra Magnus- who reluctantly accepts charge of The Autobot Matrix.
Back in Deep Space, the Decepticons floating and left for dead, come across Unicron who offers Megatron Salvation in exchange for their complete obedience to The Monster Planet as well as Destroying the Autobot Matrix of Leadership-which apparently was the only thing Unicron feared. Megatron is defiant at first, but willingly accepts Unicron's offer after the promise of instant death as an altenative.
Unicron then reformats Megatron into GALVATRON and the other former Decepticons into CYCLONUS and SCOURGE and a fleet of SWEEPS who would become Galvatron's Mighty New Armada.
Galvatron and his new Armada take off in a new Space Cruiser (Also provided by Unicron) on their New Mission to destroy the Matrix-but first, a trip to Cybertron was necessary to deal with a certain traitorous Decepticon-once and for all.
On Cybertron, Starscream was in the middle of his Coronation Ceremony to make official his Leadership of The Decepticons until it was interrupted by the reformatted former leader of The Decepticons who described STARSCREAM'S CORONATION as "Bad Comedy".
Best Scene of the Movie..."Megatron...Is that You??!"......"Here's A Hint!" as Galvatron Pulverizes Starscream and kills him where he stands as his decades of treachery comes to a complete and total end.
Again back on Autobot City, before they can even begin to assess what has happened, the remaining Autobots are once again attacked, this time by Galvatron and his Crew who have the goal of the destruction of the Autobot Matrix as top priority. The Autobots now led by Ultra Magnus, are forced to flee quickly and board two shuttles and blast off into Space.
Galvatron stays in Hot pursuit and launches a relentless attack on both shuttles with Cyclonus Strafing one , and a barrage of missiles on the other. The ship containing Hot Rod, Kup and the Dinobots would lose control of their ship and crash on the Planet Quintessa.
The other ship containing Ultra Magnus, PERCEPTOR Springer, Arcee, Blurr, and Daniel would have to detonate 3/4 of their ship allowing Galvatron to believe he had destroyed them along with the Matrix. Their escape ship would crash land on the Planet of Junk.
Unicron tortures Galvatron telepathically to return to him. Galvatron asserts that the Matrix has been destroyed only to learn that he failed to do so and that Ultra Magnus still lives and is on the Planet of Junk. He and the Armada take off to finish their mission.
On Quintessa and after a bad crash, the Dinobots were separated from Hot Rod and Kup find themselves in a terrible situation under the waters of Quintessa. Hot Rod is entangled in a cluster of spiny vines with barracuda-like fish that are about to make a meal out of him. He keeps his wits about him and manages to deal with the aquatic scavengers and free himself.
He immediately launches a search for his Mentor and Senior Member of the team- Kup- only to find him unable to defend himself against a giant robotic Squid that is tearing him apart. As he nears the Giant Beast, he is grabbed by one of the tentacles, fights voraciously to cut the tentacles then concentrates his arm blaster right into the creature's eye-destroying the socket- and the beast retreats leaving a thick cloud of ink as it quickly flees releasing the severely damaged Kup.
Kup begs Hot Rod "Fix Me!"...which he pulls him back on land and repairs him quickly.
Meanwhile on The Planet Junk- The other Autobots prepare to disembark from their crashed ship to attempt to salvage what they can. Daniel wants to help, but the environment is completely unsuited for Humans in every way. Arcee suggests putting Daniel inside of his father's Exo-Suit, which works out perfectly- Daniel has to learn on-the-fly how to use it-because they've got serious work to do if they're going to get themselves off of this strange Planet of Junk.
As they begin to try to repair their ship, Galvatron has found their location on the Junk Planet and attacks immediately destroying it. The Autobots split up to flee, Daniel is attempting to run away from the attack and quickly learns that his exo-suit has a transform ability and is able to escape death by the Decepticons.
Ultra Magnus, is cornered by Galvatron and Cyclonus and desperately tries to open the Matrix of
Leadership which is destined "to Light the Darkest Hour" of the Autobots. Unfortunately-this proves not to be that time.
Galvatron demands Magnus give up The Matrix and he refuses prompting him to order his Sweeps Terminate him.
Galvatron now has The Matrix in hand-and makes clear his intention to use it to enslave his Master- Unicron.
On the other side of Quintessa, The Dinobots are trying to find Kup and Hot Rod and come across an unlikely ally-Wheelie who agrees to help them find their friends if he can tag along with them.
While Hot Rod and Kup are searching for The Dinobots, they come across a group of ALICONS that Kup attempts to greet peacefully by using "The Universal Greeting (BA-WEEP- GRAA- NA- WEEP- NINIBAAM) while offering an Energon Goodie to- but are attacked and captured when they can offer no more. They are taken to the rulers of the Planet-
Back on the Planet of Junk, The Autobots locate the destroyed parts of their Second Leader and find themselves once again ambushed-this time by the inhabitants of the Planet- The JUNKIONS and their leader WRECK GAR
Kup and Hot Rod learn that the Cruel Rulers of Quintessa operate as Judge, Jury, and Executioner to their captives whether they are guilty or innocent. Captives are then dropped into a tank of awaiting SHARKTICONS, where they are quickly and ferociously devoured.
KRANIX was found Innocent- and met his demise almost immediately. Hot Rod and Kup were also found Innocent but were not having it.
When they landed in the Sharkticon Tank, they headed to the bottom and quickly hatched a plan to have "A Demolition Derby" by transforming into their vehicle modes and raced repeatedly around the wall causing the water to spin into a tornado -thus causing the water to rise out of the tank due to the centrifugal force to free themselves while causing major confusion to the Sharkticons. Once on land, they took care of Business.
The Dinobots and Wheelie crash the party and continue to lay the Smash Down on the Sharkticons and Grimlock puts enough fear into the remaining Sharkticons to cause a mutiny and turn on their Quintesson rulers.
Unicron finds his way to both Autobot Moonbases and quickly devours both. JAZZ and CLIFFJUMPER on Base 1 and BUMBLEBEE and SPIKE on Base 2 are unable to get out of range in their escape pods and are sucked in. Even after setting the self destruct system on Moonbase 2- the detonation doesn't even dent Unicron as it explodes as Unicron consumes it.
It would also mark the first time we would hear profanity in The Transformers as Spike yells "Oh S**t! what are we gonna do??!"
Meanwhile on Quintessa,the Stranded group of Autobots although reunited with the Dinobots- don't have a clue as to how they are going to get off the planet. Wheelie points out a Quintesson ship that is now available. "You get ship if I get Trip!" - "Give Stare over there!"
They take off in the Quintesson Cruiser to locate their comrades.
The Autobots on Planet Junk, hopelessly outnumbered continue to try to fight off the Junkions.
Suddenly a strange ship vertically lands in the midst of the battle. The Junkions, in shock back off their assault. Emerging from the craft are their Autobot companions Hot Rod, Kup, The Dinobots, and their new companion Wheelie.
Hot Rod remembering "The Universal Greeting" offers Wreck Gar an Energon Goodie-which he gladly accepts. The Autobots now have New Allies in The Junkions and briefly celebrate their new Alliance.
The Junkions even repair Ultra Magnus who regretably informs the Autobots that Galvatron is now in posession of The Matrix. This enrages Hot Rod and he wants to know where to find him.
Their new ally Wreck Gar states:
"And the answer is: Unicronnn!" Hot Rod knows that Unicron must be destroyed. They take off in the Quintesson Ship and The Junkions have a ship that they launch to join their comrades to help battle Unicron.
Galvatron locates Unicron and boldly demands that he submit to him immediately and do his bidding since he was now in possession of The Matrix.
Unicron simply lets Galvatron know that he has underestimated him. We then see "The Secret" of the Monster Planet. It a TRANSFORMER of Megalithic proportions.
"For a time....I Considered Sparing your wretched little Planet Cybertron...but shall witness its DISMEMBERMENT!"
Galvatron is in utter shock as the Gigantic Unicron heads towards Cybertron and smashes it with a powerful open hand blow-rocking it to its very core.
The Decepticons on Cybertron try to mount an assault against the Giant terror but to no avail. Galvatron desperately tries to blast Unicron but he is picked up and swallowed.
The Autobots, piloting the Quintesson ship arrive at Cybertron to witness the horror of their Home Planet being attacked relentlessly by Unicron. Kup- who has a million stories when he's reminded of a particular battle he's survived- notes when Hot Rod asks him "Does this remind you of anything ?" "Nope - Ive never seen anything like it-ever!" Kup Responded.
Unicron sees the Quintesson ship approaching him and starts firing powerful beams from his mouth and hits the ship, rattling the Autobots inside.
Hot Rod who is piloting the ship, regains control and steers the ship towards Unicron's face and straight into one of Unicron's Eyes. The Autobots bail from the exploding Quintesson ship and fall into Unicron's body. The Junkion ship is caught by Unicron, crushed, (no one dies) and hurled further into space.
Inside of Unicron The Autobots and Daniel are busy dodging Unicron's inner defenses. Daniel gets separated.
Meanwhile elsewhere, Hot Rod is also trying to navigate his way through the darkness inside of Unicron and comes across a familiar Blue Glow "The Matrix!"
A voice responds from the darkness: "It cannot be opened Autobot!" Galvatron responds. "Not by a Decepticon!" Hot Rod Shouts. Galvatron and Hot Rod begin a game of Cat and Mouse- as Hot Rod begins a series of Hit and Run tactics against him before Galvatron finally gets a hold on Hot Rod.
Daniel is walking down an unfamiliar corridor and comes across the area where captured victims are disposed of in a Smelting Pool and finds that his Dad Spike and some of the Autobots are about to meet their doom. There is very little time to act. Spike frantically yells to Daniel to shoot the lid closed using his Exo-Suit over the Smelting Tank before they are Dropped in.
Thinking he was too late- Spike shouts happily that Daniel was successful.
Galvatron is determined to choke the Spark out of Hot Rod and taunts him citing "First Optimus Prime, then Ultra Magnus, and now....You!- It's a pity you Autobots Die so easily, or I might find some Satisfaction!" This was the moment that awakened The Matrix to Light The Autobots Darkest Hour. Hot Rod is powered up and breaks the Matrix free from Galvatron and unleashes its Legendary Power.
The Spirit voice of Optimus can be heard:
"Arise RODIMUS PRIME!" as Hot Rod evolves into new Mature Form.
Rodimus tells Galvatron that "This is the End of the Road" and grabs him and hurls him out of Unicron into deep space.
The Power of the Matrix is destroying Unicron from the inside causing him to explode through his various body parts. Daniel and the Autobots catch up to see their New Leader who commands the Autobots to "Transform and Roll out!" They all escape through Unicron's other eye, narrowly escaping Unicron's final destruction.
This marks the End of the Cybertronian Wars and Rodimus Prime leads the Autobots in celebrating their Victory over Unicron and The Decepticons with the iconic Autobot chant of: "Til All Are One!"
And that's how it went down.
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